It flies by so fast; it really does.
Everyone told me it would, but you don't understand until you're living it.
And boy, are we living it! :)
And of course, loving it.
So before we move on to the glory of my now (eek!) ten month old, we better catch up.
+Nova Lately
The silly babe keeps her mama forever busy.
I've quoted Harry Potter before in my blog, and I must again, now:
Her favorite things involve climbing the stairs and getting stuck underneath the dining room table.
Ah. And climbing. Everything.
She dances now, too, which is just absolutely hilarious. I am usually laughing too hard to get a good video, but I will try. Add it to my list of things I'd like to do but will probably never get accomplished.
Here's the babe with the newest addition to our little family: River Kitty! They both share the hobby of watching out the window. Too cute.
Note to Holly - I'm sorry, but I had to.
Here is Holly and Ollie napping - we still have them over twice a week :)
I left Nova in her high chair for a moment to go into the other room, and I came back to this. Somehow, she got a Cheerio stuck in her hair. She unknowingly wore this Cheerio hat for about 30 minutes. It was so funny that I had to leave it.
And here, we find the ornery babe caught in the act of trying to climb her chair - which, if you watched the video above, you know that her mom caved and let her do it. She's very proud of her climbing skills, and will go up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Repeat.
Though we all know I'm on the KU side, I found this adorable K-State jersey and had to get it. Plus, it appeases the Scanlon side :) She looked SO CUTE in this outfit. Also, note her new skill - playing independently! She does this for a growing amount of time each day. It makes me proud, yet a little sad. She doesn't need to be entertained by her mama all the time anymore! However, after a while of playing alone, she always wants to cuddle with me. :)
Now - Miss Birthday Girl!
+Ten Months Old
Nova babe turned the big 1-0 months yesterday.
I had every intention of blogging last night - but we had a bit of a fiasco and it did not happen.
For Nova's breakfast, I made her Birthday Banana Pancakes!
Little piggly, she ate two and a half of them! They were actually quite good.
(If anyone needs a good baby (or Paleo!) pancake recipe:
1 banana, mashed
2 eggs
Mix together
Add cinnamon and vanilla
Put em in the skillet and cook just like a normal pancake!)
We went to the pet store to look at all the animals - she loves going to the pet store. The birds are her favorite.
(It's hard to get a good full photo of her while holding her, haha)
Note to Morgan: She is totally wearing the K-State hoodie you got her in Manhattan. It was so so cute.
This morning, we had some cracker snackers and a little high chair photo shoot:
Our beautiful little big girl :)
I know you can do math, but I must state the obvious:
she will be a YEAR OLD in just two months!
Stay tuned:
Mama's birthday is next week!
And Halloween is a-coming soon...and I am working on Nova's costume. Thanks to Nana Nea for finding the main piece for the costume! It's going to be adorable. Hint: Whooo! Whooo!
Love from Nova's world.
She is so cute! And you will appreciate the playing along skill when she gets older :)