Friday, August 9, 2013

Video Day!

Hi there!
Everything is pretty great over here in Nova's world. She is doing new things EVERY day. 
I keep saying I will post all these videos... and I finally have my YouTube account in working order again - so YAY!

But first...
A few cutie pie photos. 

So lately, the ONLY way I can get miss Nov to nap is if we watch a movie - usually Baby Mozart, and occasionally, The Little Mermaid. I know, I know, babes aren't supposed to watch TV! But it's like magic- she is usually out within the first few minutes. And she gets PLENTY of play time, reading time, and non-media based activity time. :)

But here are a few pics of her while we watch - it's adorable.

So much concentration!

The only time she sits still...

Here's a cute one - she loves her GGJean!

Here she is being very silly at the GG's house.

And being equally silly at Nana Nea's:

Check this out - every day I pretend to answer Nova's toy cell phone and try to get her to hold it to her ear. Until yesterday, she wouldn't. This clip shows her doing it for only a short time - because she KNOWS when she is being photographed or videoed and hams up. 

Now here are the videos of her ... DUN DUN DUN!
Walking along with her push toy. 
But in bigger news - she actually took a couple of steps the other day! All by herself! A few times!
She hasn't mastered walking but oh my goodness, it will be happening soon...

And here she is, standing all by herself! She is doing this for increasingly long periods of time!

And here she is, being the silly silly babe that she is - she talks alllll the time.
She started saying "ba, ba, ba," which has now turned in to "BLAH BLAH BLAH!"
It's quite hilarious.

Oh, life with the babe.
Gotta love it.

She also now plays patty cake, and I am trying to teach her to roll a ball with me. :)

In other news - we close on our house ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!
This will be our very last weekend spent in our apartment!
We're so excited.

Always more to come.


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